2009年11月18日 星期三

Toast fly

Toast fly, the one we usually use in Taiwan for catching Carp, is not very common in Western area. It is made of wood foam, which is uaually used for cleaning cars and tables. When we use it, the fly is floating on the surface, like a dry fly. As a carp is targeting it, you can see the carp approaching the fly and slowly open its mouth. Then, swallow the fly very slowly.

The strategy to catch the carp by this moethod is spread many small real toast cube on the water surface. Then, observing the surface if there is any carp rising. As you see a carp rising, then you have to target it and cast you fly on the path which carp will go through. Finally, you catch it in your fly and photo it in your camera.

Hook: TMC D100 #8
Materials: Wood foam, EVA foam, strong glue

Simple! right

