February, the time in late winter and early spring in Taiwan, is not a very suitable time for fishing. The temperature is still cold, which makes the water in low degree as well. But, no matter the weather is cold or warm, doing field investigation to intrusive fishes can not be stopped. Luckily, the day we did the field investigation was sunshiny and the water was warm enough. Some intrusive fishes came back to Jin Gua creek and kept searching for food.
Today the targeted intrusive fish is called "Culter" in Taiwan. We've asked some of our friends from American. They told us this fish is called "Ladyfish" in US and "Hering" in Korea. No matter what this fish is called, it indeed does not belong to here, the Jin Gua creek. Usually, this fish tends to stay in reservoir, pond or downriver. As to culter, it is not easy to stay in creek or riffling water due to its natural body design. However, it always comes back to this creek after the flooding season which causes the water level goes up and leads fish can trace back to here.
In the past there was no any culter in Jade reservoir, the downsteam of Jin Gua creek. However, some lure fishing crazy lovers and business men released it in here. Gradually this fish got used to the new environment, then, spread to each corner of Jade reservoir. This behaviour has caused very serious damages, such as the disappearance of native fishes. In reservoir there is no any nature enemy to culter; therefore, the group of culter can increase uncontrollably.
About 7 years ago, we firstly discovered this fish in Jin Gua creek. The size of top mouth was still small, and the quantity of it was few at that moment. As to nature environment protecter, we immediately realised this species would be thriving and deeply affecting other natives. Ironically, we have noticed the problems of intrusive fishes since 7 years before; but, Taiwan government still does not have any attention to this problem now. Reading some articles of Yellow Stone national park, the intrusive species seriously affect the bio environment. Such as cut throat trout, it has redcuced because of the lake trout spreading. Or, someone said that releasing black bass in Japan can seemingly cultivate the lure fishing industry; therefore, huge amount of black basses were released in Japan's nature reserviors, pond and river.
But, we review the results of Japan releasing activities. We need to consider if it is worth to release black bass. Black bass eats the local creatures, making the aboriginal species extinct. Then, Japan government spend more money to try to find the natives back. Having a deep consideration, is it worth? You created a lure fishing industry, but, buried the chance that next generation can enjoy the nature environment. Is it worth? I have to ask this question again.
Now culter has been spreading in Jade reservoir overcontrolably. We still have no physical plan to effectively reduce the number of culter. The only thing we can do is keep catching culters which trace back to Jin Gua creek. We wish this activity can control the number of culter in Jin Gua creek, although we know the effect will not be very significant.