These days I just surfed a Taiwan's lure fishing forum. A topic just attracted my eyes. This topic is called" A beautiful and comfortable fresh water fishing day". As to a fishing lover, such kind of topic definitely would make me to put my attention on it. After clicking the topic, the content is a lurefisher fished up some Zaccos by using lure. Then, he took all fishes he fished up back to his home. And, this topic caused an unfinished argument between catch-and-release and take-back. When I was seeing this, I really felt that Taiwan is an undeveloped country. The thought, attitude and behaviour of Taiwanese completely fall behind to US.
Hundred yeas ago, there were abundent of fish resource in US, especially in Yellow stone park. Many fishers really enjoyed the fun of fishing there, but they did not respect to the environment and fishes. Every time they could harvest; however, they did not need the fishes they caught. Then, they just threw the unneeded fishes into the litter. Following years fish resource declined significantly. America fell into a long dark fishing era.
Experienced a such absurd period in US, US government started to think about how to imporve the circumstance. Then, the situation gradually became better and better. Till about 50 years ago, Lee Wulff had set the catch-and-release concept into action. US then progressively went forward the river management.
From US fishing history, it is really needed to give our government an appeal. Before the nature resource get exhausted, please put a little attentions on the fishing management. Doing some bagging limite regulation or setting catch-and-release area....